Warning Hindi Movie Review

Warning Hindi Movie

Feature Film | 2013
Produced by Anubhav Sinha, Warning 3D is one of the most pointless and banal movies in recent times.
Sep 27, 2013 By Mansha Rastogi

So if you thought this is Indian Jaws you are wrong. You are also wrong if you think this must be Indian Piranha. There aren't even lots of legs and bikinis in this film for the men who are looking for voyeuristic pleasure. So what exactly is Warning 3D? Nothing but a major yawn-fest.

Four school friends reunite after years, each having some history. Leaving the past behind, they get on a yatch trip sailing through the Fiji Islands. However, one mistake lands them in shark ridden water with no escaping. Whether they survive or not is what follows through the rest of the plot.

Director Gurmmeet Singh didn't really have any need to make this film for there isn't any story at all. The twist in the tale which leads to major events or rather un-events is so juvenile that you wonder whether this is some sort of children's tale.

The entire movie has nothing but six people stranded in water trying and struggling to get on the yatch they stupidly get off from. And while the promos suggest shark attack one only gets glimpses of it while the people start dying on their own.

The only upside to this film is that the director doesn't delve into the backstories of each character with long melodramatic flashbacks and instead gets to the point real fast.

Manjari Fadnis, Santosh Barmola and Varun Sharma are passable while the rest spend their run time hamming. The music is not only pointless but unimpressive too.

Produced by Anubhav Sinha, Warning 3D is one of the most pointless and banal movies in recent times. Best avoided

Mansha Rastogi

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