
Aavesham Malayalam Movie

Feature Film | 2024 | Drama, Thriller
Fahadh Faasil's weird mien and seamless aggression in performance make 'Aavesham' engrossing.
Apr 12, 2024 By K. R. Rejeesh

Where To Watch:
   Amazon Prime

The uneventful beginning of 'Aavesham' is like the balmy weather before the storm's arrival. The commotion usurps in with the arrival of Fahadh Faasil, who fascinatingly transforms himself as a powerful local don, Ranga in Bengaluru. Writer-director Jithu Madhavan's sophomore film after 'Romancham' wins brownie points solely due to Fahadh's unrestrained portrayal of Ranga with high-spirited energy and exuberance with his weird body language. The actor is entitled to cut loose in his performance as the screenplay is devoid of significant turning points and plot twists. Jithu has presented Fahadh in a different avatar---clad in white attire and set of gold ornaments-apart from exploring the inner turmoil of the character at times. True to the title, the film manages to create engaging moments sans dwindling the level of excitement though the fissures in the script crop up quite often.


Ranga's transformation from an ordinary young man to a ruthless gangster leader is explained in the flashback and his emotional connection with 'motherhood' is justified in certain scenes. But the director refuses to invest time in exploring the emotional aspect in the protagonist's past and takes an abrupt U-turn to the present. The reaction of Ranga while attending the phone calls of Bibi's mother showcases his craving to get his mom's affection. Quite often, the absurd demeanour of Ranga leads to humorous situations but without bringing levity to the character's aggressive trait while dealing with enemies.

The film opens with the admission procedures in an engineering college in Bengaluru where three teenagers from Kerala join an aviation course. As first year students, they are scared of the seniors since they have witnessed juniors being ragged in college. Aju, essayed by Hipster, suggests that they can retaliate against seniors if they stand united. Bibi, played by Mithun Jai Sankar, and Shanthan (Roshan Shanavas) join him but they all undergo brutalities of seniors. Fed up by the tortures, Aju feels that their college life would be smooth if they get local support.

The three friends start to scout for local support by visiting local bars on the outskirts of the city. While they try to befriend local goons, they fail in their attempt. Once they bump into Ranga, who is a local gangster leader, in a local bar and soon they get a space in the group. What these boys want is to avenge the seniors using Ranga's support. Ranga's close aide Amban, played by Sajin Gopu, spins yarns about the adventures of Ranga and the boys become doubtful about Ranga's personality. Soon, they realize that their life has been invisibly tethered to Ranga's gang and it's hard to get rid of it. Debutants Hipster, Mithun and Roshan are impressive as they give a combined impression in the progress of the film. They have confidently performed in the action-packed terrain and convincingly exuded emotions whenever required.


'Aavesham' boasts of well-choreographed action sequences that maintain the flow of the movie as well as obliterate the defects in the plot. Sameer Thahir's visuals are captivating while Sushin Shyam excels in lending the background score. It is a film about tussle between gangsters and their influence on three students. The distraction is few and far between in the film that is saved by its pace in the narration. Content-wise, this movie is on the lower side but it is hard to ignore Fahadh stealing the show. In short, the actor cuts loose in this gangster comedy from the word go!

K. R. Rejeesh



Fahad is ridiculous in this movie. Give him some serious role, which he is very good at. Skip this by all means, you won... Show more
Fahad is ridiculous in this movie. Give him some serious role, which he is very good at. Skip this by all means, you won't miss anything.
kamala laxman