The Blueberry Hunt Hindi Movie

Feature Film | 2016 | UA | Drama
It's not a movie, it is a gigantic joke. Should you tie Naseeruddin Shah to a chair and make him watch his own ridiculous hamming which lasts for over 2 hours, he would beg for someone to kill him in the first half hour. It's a complete waste of time and gives stoner movies a bad name.
Apr 8, 2016 By Manisha Lakhe

A recluse who lives on 30 acres of forest land (impossible and illegal to own forest land in India) grows marijuana which supposed bad guys are after. The amount he grows is so laughable you wonder what the hoo-haa is all about. In Saving Grace, the old lady had an enviable amount growing in her greenhouse. Naseeruddin Shah with dreadlocks he's clearly uncomfortable sporting is the recluse who walks about with a satellite phone that is connected to several cctv cameras placed in his 'forest'. God forbid we ask about how he has electricity for a place barely on the map, especially because we are told again and again it is so remote it does not have a cell phone connection. You'd think they would show a mini power generator or that he lives life in the rough. But no! He and his dog merrily watch Bugs Bunny cartoons on a flat screen television, has electricity, has a branded coffee grinder and... Let's try and figure out a story that so sketchy, you know Naseeruddin Shah is just making things up. His prolonged, pointless monologues addressed to the dog are so rambling, you have to make an effort to listen and try to connect to what is going on. The buyer of that little patch of marijuana kidnaps a girl who is supposedly the daughter of a baddie who is after that little patch of marijuana. He is supposed to have sent two killers to get the marijuana. The killers seem to be amateurs. They show up with rifles (that look more like BB Guns) instead of handguns, and then start backing up when they come face to face with the person they have come to kill. It's the most comical thing to watch ever: the killers stepping back to take aim with their rifles.

The kidnapped girl pretends to befriend the recluse and in a supposed Stockholm syndrome, even cooks for him. But her shrieking is as bad as Naseeruddin Shah's fancy handcuff bracelet that will keep him informed if she goes beyond 50 feet by sat phone. Even before you have exclaimed, 'Whaa?' In disbelief, she is helping him water marijuana plants and singing.

The silliest scene is when baddies shoot Naseer down he hams even more in a death scene after telling the girl to flee. There are suddenly Manipuri/North Eastern singers who show up chanting some nonsense and take him away into the light.

Spiritual? Hardly. Stoner Movie? Naaah! Lone Ranger? Never. Pointless? Oh, yes! Film school projects are made with more finesse and clarity. Skip this film.

Manisha Lakhe