Roar Hindi Movie Review
Quite a week, this one. After watching the '90s trash Super Nani I thought the week could not get worse. And then I walked into the theater to watch Roar The Tiger Of Sundarbans to discover top level trash of this decade. A film which seemed more bent on exploring cleavage than tigers.
So we have one commando chap called Pandit set on a mission to kill a tiger who killed his brother. He gets a team of weirdoes - CJ, Cheena, Sufi, Kashimiri, Hero, Jhumpa and Madhu. While the men show off their abs and biceps, the females confidently flaunt their curves in clothes than could hardly help in a jungle. The group carried insane amount of ammunition into the jungle to kill one tiger, and gets hunted themselves as the clever cat refuses to fall prey. (Yes, that's the happy part).
Reminds me of the Humty Dumpty nursery rhyme: "All the king's horses and all the king's men could not put humpty together again."
Of course there are good things in the film. It has been shot well, at times looking like an expensive documentary on the location. The locations are awesome. The Sundarbans would be a dream location for any adventure junkie. The background score works well too.
But then nothing makes up for a weak story. Not curves, not action... certainly not intention. Roar probably started off as a well intentioned film. Debutant director Kamal Sadanah's attempts to bring out in a Hindi a genre - survival thrillers - that Hollywood has been making with aplomb since ages with films such a Anaconda. But in eagerness to make the film look good he lets go on the screenplay and any logic that could take his story forward. Finishing off any chances of redemption is jump-cut ridden editing.
To make things worse, his film fails to establish a correct viewpoint on killing of tigers despite an abrupt change of heart in the characters towards the end.
Kamal is also let down by the performances of his actors. Not that they had roles to show off their genius, but they end up a forgettable lot. The tigers actually save the day. On the big screening they do look amazingly beautiful.
Roar is too full of the unnecessary, and devoid of the essentials. So much that it actually makes way to the list of the so-bad-it's-good. This one will entertain you if you watch it with a gang of friends. Just for the laughs. Okay, Kamal did try to do something that has never been done in Bollywood... and he deserves a clap for that. Done, I can't be kinder that this.