Oru Mexican Aparatha Malayalam Movie

Feature Film | 2017 | UA | Drama
'Oru Mexican Aparatha' wins brownie points as it recreates the campus life in its full zest, but it is hardly suffice for making it appealing for all.
Mar 4, 2017 By K. R. Rejeesh

Where To Watch:
DVD Release: May 12 2017

Hard-hitting dialogues, enthusiasm of youth and exciting enmity are brimming in "Oru Mexican Aparatha". The degrees of excitement vary when the fluttering red flag appears; also when the film explores its history in a college. The film follows the youngsters who are enamored with the revolutionary heroes of yore and showcases their struggle for survival on campus.

KSQ is a strong youth-wing political party in Maharaja College, where another students union SFY is trying hard to gain advantage over KSQ, led by its cunning leader, Rupesh (Roopesh Peethambaran). Naturally, the campus quite often witnesses violence between the two parties.

Initially, Paul Varghese (Tovino Thomas) had no allegiance to any political party, instead he was busy with his efforts to win the heart of Anu (Gayathri Suresh). Later on his roommate Subhash (Neeraj Madhav) and friends impel him to take his plunge in politics. A dejected lover, Paul finds solace in their company and it leads to his stepping stone into politics. Then the ensuing college election becomes vital for the two groups.

In his first film, Tom Emmatty is not exploring the perfunctory campus romance, instead the director stresses on the evolution of SFY on that campus and goes overboard to glorify the red flag. It's an apparent indication from the part of the filmmaker regarding the fate of the story. In such a predictable attempt, the film hovers around SFY's past glory and its martyrs.

"Oru Mexican Aparatha" does not discuss any intensive thought or perspective on campus politics rather than portraying rivalry of two major parties on campus. The character Paul is safe in the hands of Tovino, and his performance is convincing. With little reference about his family, at a juncture, the character becomes an ardent fan of revolutionary leaders. Neeraj Madhav is very good in an equally important role. Jino John and Vishnu Govindan are also very impressive.

Apart from portraying the aggravating tussle on the campus, the film leaves the impression that the whole exercise is a one-sided affair and the subdued portrayal of one group reveals this intention very well.

In short, "Oru Mexican Aparatha" wins brownie points as it recreates the campus life in its full zest, but it is hardly suffice for making it appealing for all.

K. R. Rejeesh


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cinema buff

OMA can be easily termed as malayalam’s first perfect ‘paid film’ (just like some paid news)). it is not a true politica... Show more
OMA can be easily termed as malayalam’s first perfect ‘paid film’ (just like some paid news)). it is not a true political movie, but just a political propaganda movie- an extremely stretched out version of a political ad film. It lacks most of the qualities of a good movie..it is totally biased and just made to cheer up a few prejudiced people and disappoints a true movie lover. OMA is hollow, predictable, confusing at some places and even lacks thrills. not for family n true campusfilm lovers

The cast have done a good job. However the movie at best is a political propaganda entertainer.