
Wearing costumes made Johansson feel like a kid

Apr 5, 2012 IANS


Los Angeles, April 6 (IANS) Actress Scarlett Johansson says wearing heavy costumes in her upcoming superhero movie "The Avengers" was not an easy task for her, and made her feel like a little kid.

"It felt like being a little kid. When each scene ended, all our costumes were unzipped and some air conditioning venting unit goes in. It was like playing dress-up to the extreme," quoted Johansson as saying.

"Someone is having a wig removed. We all had our various things that we have to do to get comfortable. Everybody looked incredibly uncomfortable until the cameras are rolling and then we all look f***ing bad***. Then 'Cut!' and we're all like, 'Arrrgh... God, this thing, get it off me, it's awful'," she said.

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